
too Short

Skydive for Changes



We empower people to live fulfilling lives with purpose, free from addiction. We provide a completely free detox service, residential rehabilitation, recovery housing and opportunities to gain qualifications and work experience. We develop social enterprises so people can also move into sustained employment.

Our vision is to expand our reach in making recovery visible in our communities in order that more people are aware that recovery is available and possible and can reach out for help in their communities.

We understand that those who are stuck in the cycle of addiction are fighting not just one, but two battles – one against their addiction, and the second against the stigma that goes with it.

Help us to raise funds to continue to be able to offer free places in our Recovery Academy whilst continuing to confront the STIGMA that surround addiction.

“How will anyone know that recovery is available and possible if everyone is too scared to talk about it? We have to talk about recovery, make it visible and bust the myth wide open that it’s shameful to ask for help, because the reality is, stigma kills and it serves no useful purpose in any of our lives” – Steve Dixon Founder and Chief Executive

This years event: Monday 28th May 2018

Enquiries to nicromano@changesuk.org



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