
Skydive Tilstocks Carbon Footprint

Carbon Offsetting

 Skydive Tilstock is proud to be the first and only drop zone within the U.K. to carbon offset all of its skydives! Carbon offsetting is the process of reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in order to balance the release of emissions produced elsewhere. In the case of skydiving, the burning of aviation fuel.
As a skydiving drop zone, we wanted our ethical responsibilities to be in line with our rigorous safety responsibilities. We know it’s important to many of our customers that environmental impacts are minimised wherever possible.

In 2017, as the result of an independent audit, 59 tonnes of CO2 have been offset through providing clean drinking water to a community in Uganda, resulting from the rehabilitation of a water well. In turn, this negates the need for families to boil water, saving firewood, along with the accompanying CO2 equivalent released (as seen in the infographic).


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