Here at Halton Haven, we provide specialist palliative care, completely free of charge to people from Halton and surrounding areas. The goal of the specialist palliative care we provide is the achievement of the best quality of life for patients and their families. Control of symptoms and pain is paramount, as well as dealing with psychological, social and spiritual problems. We cannot add days to life, but we can add life to days.
Each year it costs approximately £2.5 million to keep the Hospice open. We only receive around half of this money from statutory sources, leaving a shortfall of approximately £1.25 million. It is thanks to the support of local people and organisations we are able to raise this money and to continue offering our services.
Deposit payable by the fundraiser and minimum money to raise – £70 deposit (paid by fundraiser direct to airfield) and a further £360 sponsorship to raise
Contact Chris Andrews
EMail: fundraising@haltonhaven.co.uk
Contact phone number – 01928 712 728 for more information.