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Skydive for Mencap Wirral


Mencap Wirral provides services, support and opportunities for people with a learning disability and their families. Our vision is that people with a learning disability and their families are listened to, understood and valued. They are recognised as individuals and included within the community with access to support and opportunities that empower them to lead fulfilled lives. Our mission is to improve the quality of life of people with a learning disability and their families and to create a more accessible, inclusive and supportive community in Wirral. We challenge attitudes, perceptions and ways of working to ensure that people with a learning disability and their families are treated with dignity and respect. We equip individuals with the information and tools they need to succeed. Our work promotes independence, encourages resilience and fosters aspiration, inspiring people to reach their true Enquiries to snicholson@mencapwirral.org.ukor Sharon Nicholson Tel: 0151 666 1829 Deposit £70 (to reserve your skydive) and minimum money to raise £350
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